Thursday, July 12, 2007

Initial Entry

This is the initial entry for the my first venture into the world of blogging. My main reason is to make folks aware of the idiots out there on the road and their numbers are increasing.

I see people running red lights well after they turn red, not stopping at stop signs, driving slow in the left lane, swerving between lanes while talking on a cell, stopping at yield signs, trying to merge onto the interstate at 20-30 mph under the speed limit, pulling out in front of traffic and not getting up to speed and many more feats of idiocy that amaze me on a daily basis.

Parking while Stupid is a side line of DWS. Includes, using 2 or more spots to park your vehicle, parking in a handicap zone illegally, parking in a loading zone, and other numerous brain cramps.

I'll include pictures and video when I can, either on the blog or links to them.

Have fun with it and as always, video/pic contributions will be accepted.

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